Lately, I've been feeling a little "Crazy" -- feeling like I've finally cracked, transforming into a child-bearing monster. It's already been 5 days of emo, and that's 5 days too long. I've been pushing my husband away, believing this isn't his problem. He has his life in Okinawa, a life he should enjoy. But after a mini-breakdown this morning, I finally remembered to embrace all that I have. I believe that we never receive more than we are able to handle, and I haven't been acting on that. Throwing myself pity parties with every downfall, sinking deeper into my hole. But really, I have so many blessings. So many reasons to love life, so many reasons to be thankful for the life I live. Sadly I forgot about it all.
This entry is dedicated to focusing on the positive -- remembering that I have a million reasons to smile. So here's my list of the blessings I have in life.
1. My Husband - through the good, the bad, the ugly, he's never left my side. Though we are physically separated, I know he's always there for me. He is such a wonderful man who deserves all the love in the world, and I'm beyond blessed he finds my love enough. I've been feeling like a "burden" for him. Being hormonal, and wanting to call him all the time, just to cry. But now as I admit this, I realize that's unnecessary.. I've finally changed my focus. His next phonecall is going to be one hell of a MUSHY one. I love that man. Achhkk <3
2. Our Growing Bean - I've finally reached 8months, and that has gone by SOO FAST! -- I can't believe in about 8 weeks, we'll be meeting our baby girl.
3. My Momma - Being almost 25, I wouldn't expect her to still keep me under her wing. She's my best friend. I enjoy our dinners, and weekend errand runs together.
4. Health - Gestational Diabetes isn't the end of the world and it definitely shouldn't be treated as such a curse. I'm thankful for this body being able to do all that it does.
5. A Home - Though I never thought I'd live on my own, here I am, in a house to myself, paying my own bills, standing on my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for the day my husband and I can officially share a home, but for now, I'm happy to have independence.
Wow, really reflecting on the good in life can put you in such a great mood.
Now to carry on with my day. Laundry calls.
XOXO - Savvy
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